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- What is HTML?
- HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, which is a specific devised language to allow website creation. From what is known as "Code" a website can be brought to life, the code is what gives the site content with the use of font, hyperlinks, pictures, color, and many other elements.
- What are the sections of an HTML document?
- Declaration (very important) - This gives the HTML its identification and tells the web browser what version of HTML the document is and that its HTML!
- Head- This section is the container for metadata, this is located between the <HTML> tag and the <body> tag.
- Body- This is where all of the contents of the HTML document is put, elements such as text, hyperlinks, images, etc are coded and kept here.
- What is found in the HTML head content?
- The Title Element - This gives you the name of your site, and allows search engines such as Google to give your site a ranking, without a title, your site could be ranked much lower. It gives the name of your site in the tab in the browser, along with the bookmarks. Having a name for your site also displays the link text in the search results.
- Metadata - This provides additional information about your web page to the web browser and also other devices. The most important META tag you should include on your web documents is the "charset" and this should be placed in the very first line of the <head> section.
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